Digital Economics is a division of Economics that focuses on digital goods and services. The main objective of the course is to provide a theoretical basis for the digital economy and suggest the possibility of applying digital economy to actual economic and business research. Equip learners with models and tools to understand and analyze the digital economy.

At the end of the course, learners need to understand and apply basic issues of digital economy, such as concepts, forms and manifestations of digital economy in certain fields. Analyze and evaluate the digital economy through economic measurement indicators. Apply knowledge of digital economy in certain fields to equip yourself with knowledge, trends and practical awareness.

Course book: Lectures on Digital Economics by Faculty of Economics.
(1) The economics of data, Analytics, and Digital Transformation, Packt (2020)
(2) The digital Economy, Tim Jordan (2020)
(3) Digital Economics, Jan A. Audestad (2020)
(4) Digital Economics Q &A, Hồ Tú Bảo (2020), NXB Văn hóa Thông tin.

Course Goals:
Equipping learners with basic knowledge of the digital economy, helping learners improve their fundamental knowledge of the digital economy, in order to continue to equip themselves with relevant industry and specialized knowledge, and to apply knowledge and skills in the digital economy. digital economy in practice.